Daily Archives: April 28, 2008

apparently board games never get old…

I guess graduating college makes you nostalgic for all aspects of life…? For general interest, I bring board games to college. I mean, who knows when you have a free afternoon or evening to get in a good game of Monopoly? (Plus, I had a hard time finding people to play Monopoly with when I was younger, but apparently there are enough people who enjoy it here…) 


So anyway, I brought Monopoly, Twister, Boggle, and Apples to Apples with me to college. Last week, my friends and I expanded on that collection. We added Hungry Hungry Hippos, Candy Land, Trouble, and Life. I guess we went a little overboard, but they were forecasting rain for this week– we wanted to make sure Short Term was going to stay fun!


On Saturday night, we played an intense couple rounds of Candy Land and Trouble before the Strange Bedfellows reunion/alumni show. I haven’t been to a Bedfellows show since freshman or sophomore year, to be honest. It just hasn’t been a priority for me– and they usually perform at the Ronj, which is a wee bit far away for me, seeing as how I tend to live on the opposite side of campus (yeah, I know it’s not that far away, but I get lazy in the evenings). Post-improv show, I headed to a Country Club themed birthday party (the best part was that the birthday girl was worried about offending people with the theme… since there are friends of hers that wear double popped collars…). 


I love Short Term.